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February 20, 2024

Prepping for your BODY SCANS

Hi competitors!  

Since there are so many of you that have to get scanned, we wanted to give you some tips and explain what the report actually means. 

WE NEED TO HOLD ON TO THE SCANS AND ALSO NEED YOU TO WRITE YOUR NAME ON YOUR SCANS, but take a picture of your scans or use the link the system will send you to download the app. You can get scanned anytime before Monday, arrive a few minutes early to class or on your own time and give the coach a heads up.   

Preparing For Your Body Scan

  • Both your username and password are your area code and telephone number 
  • You should be awake for 2-hours beforehand and somewhat active.    
  • Try not to eat at least 2- hours before your scan. If possible, fast longer.
  • Don't work out immediately beforehand. For best results, wait for 6+ hours after your workout or get scanned on your rest day.  
  • If you drink water, try to use the bathroom before being scanned; otherwise, the machine will interpret the extra water as body fat.  
  • Wear lighter clothing like shorts and a T-shirt and remove all heavy jewelry.  
  • Be prepared to be barefoot. There's no getting around this one.
  • Try not to talk or move during your scans.  

Understanding Your Body Scan

Body Composition Analysis

The first section, Body Composition Analysis provides a whole-body snapshot of your Water, Dry Lean Mass, Lean body Mass and Body Fat Mass.

Starting from the top, you have Intracellular Water and Extracellular Water. Intracellular Water is the amount of body water held within the body’s cells; Extracellular Water is the water outside the cells. Added together, these make up Total Body Water.

After ICW and ECW you find the Dry Lean Mass (DLM). This is the weight of the protein and mineral content in the body.

Below DLM is Body Fat Mass. This reports all of your body fat, including both the surface level (subcutaneous) and internal (visceral) fat.

By adding ICW, ECW, and DLM together, you get the total Lean Body Mass (LBM), which is the weight of everything in the body that is not body fat. This includes muscle, water, bones, organs, etc. – everything that is not Body Fat.

Muscle-Fat Analysis

The Muscle-Fat Analysis section provides a snapshot of three very important metrics.

  • Weight: is the total body weight.
  • Skeletal Muscle Mass: (The total weight of your Skeletal Muscle). These are the muscles that can be grown and developed through exercise and weight training.
  • Body Fat Mass: This is how much body fat mass you have, and combines both the surface level and internal fat.

The 100% mark, as well as all the percentage marks, are all based on what would be considered normal for an individual at their specific height when tested. The arrows above the results shows how you compare to others of the same height and gender. While the healthy range varies, 100% designates the average for individuals with the same height and gender. So, if the weight bar extended to 130%, this means you are 30% above average. Similarly, if your weight bar extended to only 70%, this means you have 30% less mass than is considered normal for your height.

Obesity Analysis

The Obesity Analysis section includes one of the most important metrics of any body composition analysis: Percent Body Fat (PBF). It’s a fairly simple metric, division of body fat mass by total weight (*PBF = Fat (lb) / Weight (lb) x 100). However, it is much more informative and a better indicator of the risk of obesity than BMI, which is one of the major reasons BMI is still included in the analysis – to highlight its limitations by comparing it to PBF.

For PBF, the ranges differ between men and women. Women tend to carry more body fat than men due to their reproductive system as well as genetics. A graph that represents a female individual should fall in the normal ranges between 18-28%, with the average being 23%. For men, the healthy range is between 10-20%, with an average being 15%.

Segmental Lean Analysis

In the Segmental Lean Analysis section, the body into 5 body segments: the two arms, two legs, and the trunk, which can be thought of as covering the area between the neck and legs. There are two bar graphs for each body part in the Segmental Lean Analysis graph. The display of the two bar graphs provides an assessment of your current lean mass distribution.

The numbers beside the upper bar graph indicates your lean mass weight in the designated segment. If the length of the upper bar graph reaches 100%, it indicates you are at the ideal lean mass for that segment, based on your ideal weight. The length of the upper bar graph shows the relative ratio of the ideal lean mass based on his or her ideal weight. Segmental Lean Analysis compares the pounds of Lean Body Mass against the average expected amount of Lean Body Mass for that person’s height.

If the lower bar graph reaches 100%, it indicates you are at the ideal lean mass in relation to your current weight. Therefore, the length of the lower bar graph indicates the relative ratio of the ideal lean mass for their current weight, while the number beside the lower bar graph shows that ratio. This shows whether or not you have enough Lean Body Mass to support your own body weight, where 100% is sufficient.

Segmental Lean Analysis provides you with the ability to observe your upper/lower lean balance, left/right lean balance, and lean body mass distribution, segmentally. This allows for close monitoring of the distribution of lean body mass to help determine if the distribution of lean mass is adequate or if changes need to be made.

Water Weight

ECW/TBW Analysis section looks at the ratio of Extracellular Water. Total Body Water is composed of Intracellular Water and Extracellular Water. Extracellular Water (ECW) is the plasma water, interstitial water, transcellular water, and water found in bone, cartilage, and dense connective tissues. Intracellular Water (ICW) is the water found in the cytosol of every cell in the body.

In healthy individuals, intracellular fluid takes up roughly 62% of the body water, extracellular fluid takes up roughly 38% of the body water. A healthy individual is expected to have a ratio of ICW to ECW is 3 to 2, which is 0.38 when calculated as ECW/TBW. Most healthy people will have an average ratio of around 0.380, with an acceptable range being between 0.360 – 0.390.

Body Fat & Lean Body Mass Control

The Body Fat & Lean Body Mass Control section makes it easy to set goals. It can help you reach your ideal body composition, which is defined as the average PBF for their gender (15% for men, 23% for women). For those on an active dietary-exercise modification program or routine, it allows you to make adjustments to the lean body mass-fat mass ratio rather than simply increasing or decreasing his/her weight. It also explains how you should adjust your weight, especially by gaining or losing muscle or fat. Depending on your current body composition, this section will recommend adjusting Body Fat Mass and/or LBM in order to reach the target PBF.  

Basal Metabolic Rate

The Basal Metabolic Rate, or BMR, is the number of calories you require to maintain your basic, life-sustaining functions. Your BMR does not take into account any calories needed to perform daily activities. Additional exercise and daily routines require additional calories to match your daily caloric needs. This number changes as your muscle mass changes. In general, if you want to lose fat, you need to run a caloric deficit.  

Visceral Fat Level  

The Visceral Fat Level is an indicator based on the amount of fat surrounding the surrounding your major organs. Visceral fat is associated with the risk of developing certain health diseases. An accumulation of visceral fat can contribute to an increased risk of diseases such as Diabetes, Heart Disease and stroke. In order to minimize health risks associated with excess visceral fat, you should maintain a Visceral Fat Level under 10. Research has found that engaging in more cardiovascular exercise can improve your health by reducing visceral fat. 

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