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February 5, 2023

2023 Check-In...

How are things going so far in 2023? Have you started the year off right?

If the answer is no, or you can’t really answer this question, it might be worth giving it some thought.

With 10% of the year gone already, you either have great momentum, or you're stagnant.

For those who are struggling, we encourage you to act sooner than later. Personally, I believe in the Parado Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule. Using this, you would have until March 14th before procrastination would inhibit real change in 2023. I may be reaching a bit here, but that’s technically 20% year down, so why waste any more time? Keeping this rule in mind, change doesn’t mean you have to be “perfect” or rigid. It just means you have to be a little better most of the time. Sounds easy, right?

It’s pretty remarkable--take a look around the gym… Many individuals have made some serious progress in just these last 37 days, and they're just getting started! We see you; don't stop! In passing, you may want to ask them what they’re doing right, or maybe even pay them a compliment to help continue the progress. A tasteful compliment is always welcome and motivating.

We've heard everything from Dry January, food journaling, zero cheats, hydration, the Whole 30, the 60-day sugar detox., etc..… It's these people that noticeably look younger, have clearer skin, have thinned out, and seem happier. In the workouts, they’re lifting heavier, their pull-ups are better, breathing better, and they are attending more classes. As coaches, we want this for all of you!

Lifestyle changes and decisions outside the gym dictate how these individuals look and perform inside the gym.

What holds you back? Our gym is a support group. We’re all rooting for each other and willing to help. Honestly, what's better than 200 or so like-minded friends in body, mind, and spirit?

This is your call to action. Let's make a serious dent in 2023 and start your changes today!

Lastly, if you're new to SCF, you can read our last few blogs on our website under the blog section. Welcome to Shoreline CrossFit--the best community around, and that's 100/100%!!!

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Shoreline CrossFit