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February 26, 2023
This blog will remain unpublish and shared only with our current members.
5-Week Challenge
Gym Anniversary
Health is Wealth
Look Fit - Get Fit Challenge
In Body Scans
Approved Foods
Nutrition Challenge
New Years Resolution
Move to Heal
6am Murph Photo
"AWESOME PLACE~ We moved away but my boyfriend and I had a great experience here at Shoreline! If you are in the area stop by!
"I loved it! The workout was challenging and fun! Dave was very knowledgeable and helpful with coaching my form! I will be visiting again soon!"
"Most supportive trainers in the area. You can't find a better environment for personal growth!"
Definitely one of the best things I have done for myself!
We wanted to let you know that we've added some NEW CLEAN supplements to our Earth Fed product line! Check it out!
“Most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years.”
Many of us are forced to take rest days because life gets in the way. Some of us are fitness machines and don't take many rest days at all.
The purpose of this blog is to discuss Memorial Day Murph.
As promised, this is blog 3 of 3 breaking down CrossFit’s definition of "constantly varied, functional movements executed at high or relative intensity.”
This a continuation of last week's blog explaining CrossFit's definition of “constantly varied, functional movements executed at high or relative intensity.”
I recently had the privilege to present to the owner of a Connecticut based franchise gym and his two head trainers.
How are things going so far in 2023? Have you started the year off right?
I’ll start off by saying in no way is pain cool. Let’s get that straight.
At the start of this year, I decided to tighten things up a bit.
It's week 2 of everyone's new year's resolutions, and like most of us, you're probably making smarter decisions already.
Here are some thoughts on New Year's Resolutions…
So this week is usually one of the hardest week's to stay consistent with both exercise and nutrition.
Last weekend, I flew to Chicago for my brother's surprise 50th Birthday party. It was a great time, and I especially loved seeing family and old friends.
They say the average American gains 75% of their annual weight gain between Thanksgiving and the New Year.
So this last year, I've taken on a few nutrition clients. It's not something I often do, but it's certainly something I'm passionate about.
Are you SAD these days? No really? Do you suffer from Seasonal Depression Disorder, or the winter blues?
A very reliable source, aka Urban Dictionary, kidding, describes ACOTFIs as a mindset shift when you go from caring and being obsessive to giving up or not caring at all.
Shoreline CrossFit's success over the last 13 years has been more than just a fluke.
If I asked you if you scale your workouts, your answer should be a resounding, "HELL YAAASSS!!!"
So last week, we completed our 20 rep max back squat progression. It was the first time in 13 years that we programmed anything like this.
Sometimes, the “struggle” and having a jam-packed schedule has its benefits.
You won't commit… Maybe you really can't do it…
Most Wednesday evenings, I attend Move to Heal from 6:30pm to 8pm.
13 years ago today, we opened the doors of Shoreline CrossFit.
So right now, my son Asa is in a hardcore "Dadda" phase: whether I'm on my computer, relaxing on the couch, or trying to escape for just a moment, he has zero sense of personal space.
In this training block, we’ve decided to program overhead squats. In CrossFit, it’s one of the 9 fundamental movements.
When we first started CrossFit back in 2008, I started reading up on everything that was nutrition and came across Michael Pollan's book, Food Rules amongst countless other publications that were in line with CrossFit's methodology and nutrition trends.
These last few years have been a bit stressful, to say the least. It wasn’t until late February, that I started to feel normal again.
This blog was originally about bringing a positive attitude to the gym, even on the days that you're struggling.
If you could choose 3rd or 2nd place, you'd choose second, right?!
I'm not sure I'm the best example of balance. In fact, I think it's impossible to find perfect homeostasis for most of us.
Everyone at some point or another has stood in front of the mirror--naked perhaps--and thought to his/herself, that he/she wants something tighter, smaller, bigger, and possibly tanner.
When it comes to fitness, there are a lot of almost 44-year-old men in the world that are stronger, more enduring, have better mobility, and are simply more talented than I will ever be. Ever. Period.
If you've been on this earth for roughly 30 years, you might remember the Dunkin Donuts commercials of Fred the Baker saying, "time to make the donuts."
Do I have a weakness? Of course, I do! In fact, I am mostly weaknesses.
"Accumulating injuries is the price we pay for the thrill of not having sat around on our a$$es." --Mark Rippetoe, author of Starting Strength
A few years back, I had a personal client, who had several grandchildren. I adored our trainer-client relationship; training her was incredibly fulfilling.
How do you handle those days when you’re just not feeling it? Those days when you’re tired, worn out, and sick of the daily grind?
A few days ago, I got into a brief discussion with a member about his CrossFit T-Shirt addiction.
I certainly don't love to memorialize workouts other than those crafted by CrossFit for fallen heroes, but let's talk about last Tuesday's workout…
On the gym wall of one of my favorite CrossFitters, Jacob Heppner's gym, it reads, "Positive Vibes; Negative Splits." I love this saying; it is so simple and to the point.
As you may have noticed, some of the coaches have been using the whiteboard to write a quote of the day. Some are simply to make you smile while others are meant to be inspiring.
A few years back, I read a book that described resistance as obstacles that one confronts daily.
NEAT stands for Non-exercise activity thermogenesis. Before we get into this topic, many of our athletes have always done this without even knowing it.
I'll start right by saying this is by no means is financial advice, or are we telling you to quit your job, or invest in bitcoin…
As you may or may not know, my son, Asa, does martial arts. He started roughly 1 year ago and he's been working hard to earn his last stripe on his white belt before he can test for his yellow belt.
What we do at Shoreline CrossFit is certainly very physical. Between the countless reps of burpees, the shortness of breath, and delayed muscle soreness, there's little doubt suffering is a part of CrossFit methodology.
Our programming is simple and effective. We won’t give out our recipe completely, but we consider every detail starting with a thoughtful warm-up, a strength progression, and a proper workout prescription that allows you to individualize your workout experience.
As Coaches, we want our clients to have lofty and massive goals. The bigger the better, right?!
Happy New Year SCF Fam!
What do many of our very fit, consistent members have that others do not?
Over the next few weeks, we plan to scan all our Challenge participants. A schedule will go out shortly and as previously mentioned, you have until Sunday 11/24 to get your initial body scan.
The image above is an example of what the majority of your meals should look like- not directly before or after your workouts. Since we are all unique in terms of gender, age, activity levels, and goals, we'll need to make some individual tweaks.
With the last year we've all had, we wanted to offer you a challenge that allows you to make realistic changes that are long-lasting.
Shoreline CrossFit